Thursday 11 July 2013

Map and Mural anchor me...

When dealing with epicness one feels duty bound to provide a map...also I find it is absolutely necessary. Cultures hinge and shift upon trade which in turn is very much tied to the land, at least in early developmental stages and later with the rise and fall of exports and imports. These things, of course, not being merely a matter of wealth but also shaping identity.

Before, I had cobbled together sketches to keep my bearings. With OBR:2  the narrative is expanding further and I felt I needed something more cohesive. So I grabbed some brushes and had a go. It's not exactly, erm, professional...but certainly serviceable.

A Song of Sorrow is predominantly set in Danua and so 'tis is the most detailed aspect. This is a work in progress and as the other counties are explored more details will be added. The white space in the left bottom corner will be the Aza islands eventually...when I can find a reflective shape I am happy with! The narrow rocky strip of land between Danua and the Farrahnaan Mountains is Gommora. However I may change the name, so for now it is left unmarked.

Danuan Key: The initials mark the locations of the noble Houses, which are often also the locations of towns ect. (I'll Start with Rosalind, centred, the Royal House and travel deiseal.)

R: Rosalind
F: Foxglove
A:  Arabis
Y: Yarrow
TI: Twinning Ivy
WL: Water Lilly
H: Hellianthus
D: Dahlia
I: Iris
T: Thistle
SH: Sea Holly
G: Gentian
SS: Samphire Straits

To the North of Danua  is an island marked IoS, this is the Ilse of Sorrow. The island to the south east is tentatively titled the Ilse of Death.

Previously I have mentioned my mural, which sprawls above my desk and provides a visual link to moods. So I thought I'd pop up a pik in case anyone was curious.

(Oh I do love my wistful gargoyle...)

1 comment:

  1. Great map! Really brings the geography of your world to life! Hope the submitting is still going well? -x-
